
Expression of Interest Results | Renewable energy sources of oceanic origin or location
Publication of the list with the results.
Portuguese test autonomous robots for inspection of floating offshore wind farms
European Commission finances 7 Portuguese projects in the area of the environment
The LIFE Programme has approved 171 new projects across Europe, worth more than €396 million.
IEA revises upwards forecast for oil demand growth in 2024
In the monthly report for November, released today, the IEA reports a "vulnerable" balance in oil markets, which is expected to be "more volatile in the future" due to demand even higher than supply.
World lags behind on almost all policies to reduce carbon emissions
If the world is to avoid the worst impacts of climate breakdown, coal must be phased out seven times faster than is currently happening and deforestation must be reduced four times faster.
A quarter of the implementation of the RRP is at a "worrying and critical" point
This third official balance sheet of the RRP "analyses the developments that have occurred since the last report, in February 2023", adding to it the subsequent financial information available until the middle of last month and another collected through...
Offshore wind auction moves forward only with the allocation of maritime space, without connection to the grid
The first offshore wind energy auction that the Government wants to launch in 2023 will go ahead in a first phase only with the allocation of maritime space to Portuguese and foreign companies that submit for bidding.
EU wants end to fossil fuel subsidies as early as 2025
Europe will advocate at the Climate Summit (COP28) for the end of state aid for the consumption of energy sources that emit greenhouse gases worldwide as early as 2025.
Final conference of the Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality of the Azores defines strategies
This Roadmap "aimed to establish a clear strategic vision and explore cost-effective, technologically feasible and economically viable trajectories in various scenarios of economic and demographic growth, in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050".
Start Campus, the company in Sines in the middle of the controversy that brought down António Costa's government
The company was founded in 2020 and is owned by two giants of the US financial industry. The project was classified by the Government as the "largest foreign investment since Autoeuropa".