
More than 60 countries back agreement to triple renewable energy this decade
Scientists say rapidly expanding clean energy and rapidly reducing the burning of fossil fuels in the electricity sector – are vital to reacting to the climate crisis.
President of the Republic gives "green light" to the rules for the installation and operation of new biomass plants
At stake is the launch of a new tender for the allocation of licenses for biomass plants to inject the electricity produced into the public grid.
Renewable Energies European wind industry with more than 500GW in 2030?
European Commission presents plan.
Lithium and hydrogen, two key resources in the European targets
Brussels is counting on both elements to achieve the objectives of combating climate change and even admits that the demand for lithium will increase 12 times by 2030.
University of Coimbra simulates energy classification of public lighting
This measure contributes to the implementation of the National Energy and Climate Plan 2030 (PNEC), "by responding to the need to create a system that aims to promote the efficiency in energy consumption of the national public lighting infrastructure".
Madeira wants to create its own legal regime for the production of renewable electricity
The Government of Madeira (PSD/CDS-PP), which delivered today the programme for the 2023-2027 quadrennium, intends to create its own legal regime for the production of renewable electricity in the autonomous region.
Government wants first auctions for offshore wind energy in early 2024
According to the Secretary of State, the current plan regarding the definition of the areas to be put up for auction, already reflects "a very great concern to move [wind energy production] away from the coastline, beyond seven miles".
REN initiates permitting to connect the country's largest solar energy project to the grid
REN's project to build the new very high voltage lines that will connect the country's largest solar power plant to the grid has entered into public consultation. The new infrastructure is expected to be operational in 2026.
Spain will ask Brussels again to maintain the Iberian mechanism in 2024
Thanks to the Iberian mechanism, Spain was the EU country that saw electricity prices fall the most (-41%) between January and June 2023. In Portugal, the drop was only 6%.
Portugal has been producing more than it consumes for six consecutive days
Since October 31st, Portugal has been producing more renewable energy than it consumes. REN has 149 consecutive hours, surpassing the 2019 record.