
Exclusivity of hazardous waste treatment centers is over
The Government approved today the end of the exclusivity of the two integrated centers for the recovery, recovery and disposal of hazardous waste (CIRVER), opening the sector to the entry of new licensed operators, without changing the technical and...
MP2X consortium invests over 1,500 million in "green" hydrogen in Sines.
The project led by the Portuguese company Madoqua Renewables is expected to exceed the capacity of 1 Gigawatt (GW) of green hydrogen production,
Tax authorities already have a model to evaluate dams and ask for urgency from experts
The value of the land on which the dams are located, as it is public domain, will not be counted for the purposes of calculating the taxable patrimonial value (VPT) of these properties.
EU admits to investigating Chinese wind farms, but doesn't want war
The European Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, will meet Chinese officials this week on Beijing's subsidies for renewable energy.
EU closes Fit for 55 strategy to reduce polluting emissions
The strategy proposed under the European Green Deal envisages reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels.
Government prepares tender for part of the grid connection that belonged to the Sines coal-fired power plant
The Government will reserve 800 megawatts of grid connection capacity from the former Sines coal-fired power plant for new renewable energy projects.
Environmental NGOs call for smart implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive
In the manifesto, the organizations demand an expansion of renewable energy based on sound environmental criteria, greater transparency and public participation, capacity and training to meet permitting deadlines, support for energy communities and...
European Green Deal: Aiming to be the first climate-neutral continent
The planet is experiencing a context of urgency, particularly with regard to the climate crisis, environmental degradation and biodiversity loss.
EU and European Investment Bank mobilise to help municipalities
With ELENA, Portugal could embrace "successful projects that could lead municipalities to invest in key infrastructure development, such as street lighting, sustainable public transport, renewable energy and more".
OPEC forecasts that global crude oil consumption will continue to increase until 2045
This is a forecast that contrasts with that of the International Energy Agency (IEA), which predicts a possible peak and definitive decline in global fossil fuel demand before 2030.