
Revenues from the auction of guarantees of origin again hit record
Guarantee of origin auctions, which allow traders to certify whether or not their energy is renewable, generated net revenues of 20.3 million.
Electricity: is still the Iberian market away?
Spain has already presented its energy and climate plan for 2030, loaded with renewable ambition, and Portugal will have to pedal at a fast pace if it wants to keep up with the neighboring country
European Union without funds to finance climate targets
By 2030, the European Union aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55%, with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality 20 years later. However, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) says in its latest report that there is a risk that these targets will...
Spain to try to reform the EU's electricity market with Iberian mechanism to end
Spain wants progress on pending dossiers "such as the gas and hydrogen package and the regulations on energy efficiency."
Batteries: Lithium still dominates, sodium ready to grow
According to the International Energy Agency, 10,000 GWh of batteries and other forms of storage will be needed annually by 2040 to ensure the acceleration of energy transition strategies towards decarbonisation.
China inaugurates world's largest hybrid solar-hydroelectric complex
According to Shanghai newspaper The Paper, Chinese authorities believe the Lianghekou complex will avoid the use of about 600,000 tons of coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 1.6 million tons per year.
Arm wrestling in court threatens 600 million project in Pego
TrustEnergy wants to cancel the Pego auction that assigned part of the connection point of the former coal-fired power plant to Endesa.
The global transformation of the electricity sector is behind schedule
According to the latest report by Crédito y Caución, the energy transition to reach net-zero emissions from the electricity sector has intensified, but is insufficient.
Offshore auction will require the "specialization of ports"
Working group wants value chain assured.
Credit of 500 million for green projects focuses on Portugal and Spain
The European Investment Bank (EIB) has subscribed a debt of €250 million to Bankinter in an operation that will allow Bankinter to mobilise up to €500 million in loans.