Order n. 10228/2023
Publication: 2023-10-04 |
Implementation: 2023-10-05
It replaces Order no. 9403/2023, published in the Official Journal, 2nd series, no. 178, of 13 September 2023, which creates a working group called "Working Group for the Constitution of the Technological Free Zone of Abrantes".
Announcement No 196-A/2023
Publication: 2023-09-22 |
Implementation: 2023-09-22
Clarification of the public consultation for the expression of interest in the allocation of connection capacity to the public service power grid in the Sines High Demand Zone.
Order n. 9253/2023
Publication: 2023-09-08 |
Implementation: 2023-08-04
Establishes the Joint Multiannual Programme for Development Cooperation in the fields of Environment and Climate Action (2030). This order shall take effect from the date of its signature.
Decree-Law n. 80/2023
Publication: 2023-09-06 |
Implementation: 2023-09-07
Establishes the exceptional procedure for the allocation of grid connection capacity for installations consuming electricity in areas of high demand. This decree-law shall enter into force on the day following its publication.
Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 107/2023
Publication: 2023-09-04 |
Implementation: 2023-08-24
Authorizes the centralised acquisition of energy from road fuel, natural gas and electricity for the year 2024.
Decree-Law n. 79-A/2023
Publication: 2023-09-04 |
Implementation: 2023-09-05
Amends various exceptional or temporary schemes to mitigate rising energy prices. This decree-law shall enter into force on the day following its publication.
Directive n. 17/2023
Publication: 2023-08-31 |
Implementation: 2023-09-01
Approves the manual of procedures of the Entity Issuing Guarantees of Origin.
Directive n. 16/2023
Publication: 2023-08-30 |
Implementation: 2023-08-31
Approves the rules of trading products with delivery in the Virtual Trading Point (VTP) on the MIBGAS platform.
Law n. 50/2023
Publication: 2023-08-28 |
Implementation: 2023-08-20
Authorizes the Government to reform and simplify licensing in the field of urban planning and spatial planning. This legislative authorization lasts for 180 days.
Order n. 8485/2023
Publication: 2023-08-22 |
Implementation: 2023-08-23
Amends Order no. 3355-A/2023, of 14 March, approving the budget of the Environmental Fund for the year 2023.