
Directive No. 24/2022 - ERSE
Publication: 2022-12-23 | Implementation: 2022-12-23
Approves the General Conditions of the Gas Transport Network Use Agreement and repeals Annex III to Directive 3/2011 of 7 October.
Directive No. 25/2022 - ERSE
Publication: 2022-12-23 | Implementation: 2022-12-23
Approves the general conditions of the contract for the use of the liquefied natural gas terminal and revokes Order No. 24 145/2007 of 22 October.
Directive No. 26/2022 - ERSE
Publication: 2022-12-23 | Implementation: 2022-12-23
Approves the General Conditions of the Contract for the Use of Gas Distribution Networks and repeals Annex I to Directive No. 3/2011 of 7 October.
Decree-Law No. 85/2022
Publication: 2022-12-21 | Implementation: 2022-12-22
Introduces measures to enable various reporting, payment and billing obligations and simplifies tax obligations arising from the sale to the grid of surplus electricity produced for self-consumption.
Order No. 14492/2022
Publication: 2022-12-19 | Implementation: 2022-11-25
Establishes the Monitoring Committee of the Energy Saving Plan 2022-2023. It enters into force on the day of ists signature.
Order No. 14384/2022
Publication: 2022-12-15 | Implementation: 2022-12-16
Amends Dispatch No. 12081-A/2021 of December 10, which approves the Regulation of the Compensation Mechanism for a Fair Transition.
Directive No. 23/2022 - ERSE
Publication: 2022-12-12 | Implementation: 2022-12-12
Approves the Manual of Procedures for the Global Management of the Electric Sector System (pages 1-2).
Decree-Law No. 84/2022
Publication: 2022-12-09 | Implementation: 2022-12-10
It sets targets for the consumption of energy from renewable sources, partially transposing the Directive (UE) 2018/2001.
Decree-Law No. 84-D/2022
Publication: 2022-12-09 | Implementation: 2022-12-10
Approves the establishment of a transitional gas price stabilisation scheme for legal persons with consumptions exceeding 10 000 m3. Will be in force until December 31, 2023.
Dispatch 26/DGEG/2022
Publication: 2022-11-28 | Implementation: 2022-11-28
On the installation of metering, measurement and control equipment in each wind sub-park, as defined in Decree-Law No. 35/2013, dated February 28.