
Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic Nr. 82/2021
Publication: 2021-03-19 | Implementation: 2021-02-11
It approves the Strategic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Japan, of the other part, signed in Tokyo on 17 July 2018
Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic
Publication: 2021-03-15 | Implementation: 2021-02-18
It recommends that the Government urgently implements the recommendations of the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into the Payment of Excessive Rents to Electricity Producers.
Ordinance Nr. 55/2021
Publication: 2021-03-11 | Implementation: 2021-03-12
It stablishes rules on the criteria and evaluation procedures to be observed in the selection and ranking of applications for tenders within the scope of the PPEC.
Order Nr. 2535/2021
Publication: 2021-03-05 | Implementation: 2021-03-05
It regulates the allocation of the incentive for the introduction into consumption of 2021 low-emission vehicles
Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic Nr. 42/2021
Publication: 2021-03-03 | Implementation: 2020-12-18
It recommends the Government to reformulate the model of public support to be attributed to forest biomass plants
Circular Nr. 2/2021
Publication: 2021-03-03 | Implementation: 2021-03-03
Wind and solar power plants (as a whole, and not each individual generator) fulfill the requirements underlying the concept of building, for tax purposes. Power generation centers must be registered as industrial urban buildings.
Regulation Nr. 180/2021
Publication: 2021-03-02 | Implementation: 2021-03-03
It establishes exceptional measures within the scope of the National Electric System (SEN) and the National System of Natural Gas (SNG)
Ordinance No. 45-B / 2021
Publication: 2021-03-01 | Implementation: 2021-03-01
Changes the procedures, model and other conditions necessary for the application of the social electricity tariff and the social gas natural tariff to economically vulnerable customers
Diretive Nr. 5/2021 (ERSE)
Publication: 2021-02-24 | Implementation: 2021-02-25
It approves the definition of the parameter of charges borne by the PRE within the scope of the transitional rule of article 8 of DL no. 76/2019
Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic Nr. 67/2021
Publication: 2021-02-24 | Implementation: 2021-02-11
Recommending the Government to reject an Energy Charter Treaty incompatible with environmental commitments and the interests of the population