
Order Nr.4/2021 (DGEG)
Publication: 2021-02-24 | Implementation: 2021-02-24
Execution of exceptional and temporary measures in the scope of the licensing of the fuel sector, in response to the epidemiological situation arising from COVID-19
Order Nr. 1897/2021
Publication: 2021-02-19 | Implementation: 2021-02-20
It approves the budget of the Environmental Fund for the year 2021
Ordinance Nr. 38/2021
Publication: 2021-02-16 | Implementation: 2021-02-02
It creates carbon taxes on air and sea travel
Regulation Nr. 2/2021 (ERSE)
Publication: 2021-02-16 | Implementation: 2021-02-17
It sets exceptional measures within the scope of the SEN and the SNG
Declaração de Retificação n.º 5/2021
Publication: 2021-02-09 | Implementation: 2021-02-09
Retifica o Decreto Legislativo Regional n.º 1/2021/M, de 6 de janeiro, que adapta à Região Autónoma da Madeira o regime jurídico aplicável ao autoconsumo de energia renovável.
Resolution of the Council of Ministers Nr. 8-A/2021
Publication: 2021-02-03 | Implementation: 2021-02-04
Approves the Long-Term Strategy for Renovation of Buildings https://dre.pt/web/guest/home/-/dre/156295372/details/maximized
Regulation No. 103/2021
Publication: 2021-02-01 | Implementation: 2021-02-02
Amends the Electric Mobility Regulation
Dispatch n.º 2/2021 (DGEG)
Publication: 2021-01-28 | Implementation: 2021-01-28
It sets the quarterly update of the cogeneration reference tariff for the first quarter of 2021
Directive n.º 3/2021 (extract)
Publication: 2021-01-25 | Implementation: 2021-01-26
It approves the loss profiles applicable in 2021
Directive n.º 4/2021
Publication: 2021-01-25 | Implementation: 2021-01-26
It approves the third amendment to procedure No. 13-A of the «Manual of Procedures for the Global Management of the Electric Sector System»