
Dispatch n.º 883/2021
Publication: 2021-01-21 | Implementation: 2021-01-22
It clarifies the legal regime for environmental impact assessment (EIA), approved by Decree-Law no. 151-B / 2013, of October 31, in its current wording
Decree-Law n.º 8/2021
Publication: 2021-01-20 | Implementation: 2021-01-21
It updates the targets for incorporating biofuels into fuels for consumption in the national territory for 2021
Directive n.º 2/2021
Publication: 2021-01-19 | Implementation: 2021-01-01
It approves the incentive for the optimized management of uninterrupted CAE
Resolution of the Council of Ministers n.º 5/2021
Publication: 2021-01-19 | Implementation: 2021-01-20
It approves the pilot project model for prior legislative impact assessment on climate action
Decree-Law No. 6-E / 2021
Publication: 2021-01-15 | Implementation: 2021-01-16
Establishes support mechanisms under the state of emergency.  
Ordinance n.º 13/2021
Publication: 2021-01-12 | Implementation: 2021-01-13
It establishes the values ​​of the fees due in the scope of administrative procedures related to the production of gases of renewable origin, low carbon gases as well as gas commercialization, cancelling the Ordinance 83/2013 from 26th February
Directive n.º 1/2021
Publication: 2021-01-08 | Implementation: 2021-01-01
It approves tariffs and prices for electricity and other services in 2021
Ordinance n.º 6/2021
Publication: 2021-01-06 | Implementation: 2021-01-07
It amends article 3 of the Ordinance No. 348/2017, which establishes a regime similar to that of transitory or regulated tariffs that end customers with an electricity supply contract with a market trader can benefit from
Regional Legislative Decree n.º 1/2021/M
Publication: 2021-01-06 | Implementation: 2021-01-01
It adapts the Decree-Law no. 162/2019 from 25th October to the Autonomous Region of Madeira, which approves the legal regime applicable to self-consumption of renewable energy
Portaria n.º 308-C/2020
Publication: 2020-12-30 | Implementation: 2020-12-31
Altera o artigo 2.º da Portaria n.º 244/2020, de 15 de outubro, que fixa a tarifa aplicável aos centros eletroprodutores que utilizam resíduos urbanos como fonte de produção de eletricidade em instalações de valorização energética, na vertente de queima...